^Spark^ the lover with his Daddy |
This picture below was taken right after ^Spark^
came to us... It was almost his first day that we found out how much he loves his blankies... First he went and
stole ^Tucker^ blanket dragging it down the hall to lay with... Through out years blankies came and went... ^Spark^
would throw it about, wrestles with it...then get a big mouth full and go sound to sleep...
Here is a few videos of our
baby boy
My last video of My Spark
Spark with his Wubba...
Spark giving me LOVE
^Spark^ carried two tennis balls
every where. As you can see they were always one on top of the other one... If you wanted to play caught you needed
two balls one to show ^Spark^ so he would drop the one in his mouth... No second ball there is no way he would let go
of that ball....he'd bury his head in the grond...in your leg...in the sofa... I smile at the momory when ever I think
of it...
^Spark^ was a lover. He always
wanted on my lap,once up there he would lay his head on my face. I'd be buried in his fur begging for a breath... if
he couldn't get in my lap...then he would put his front feet on my lap and bury his head in my chest.....